Russian iPhone User Sues Apple for Turning Him Gay


The man downloaded an iPhone app, where he bought the GayCoin cryptocurrency. He now blames Apple for his new boyfriend.

I decided to try same-sex relationships,’ he said. Cryptocurrencies are an alternative type of currency that can be traded and used in other financial transactions online. Moscow in 2013 introduced a law against “gay propaganda”, which officially bans the “promotion of non-traditional lifestyles to minors” but in effect outlaws LGBT activism. Apple’s representatives in Russia did not immediately respond to AFP’s request for comment. The latest news about Bitcoin, ICO, trading, blockchain and fintech.

Trans Instagrammer leads campaign to hunt down & out gay men. There has already been one suicide.


  • He is seeking 1 million rubles ($15,560) in damages from Apple for sending him a cryptocurrency known as GayCoin instead of the Bitcoin he had ordered.
  • The man downloaded an iPhone app, where he bought the GayCoin cryptocurrency.
  • A Russian man has launched a lawsuit against Apple, claiming an iPhone app turned him gay.
  • The bizarre case of a Russian man suing Apple for allegedly turning him gay has taken another twist, after it was revealed he received 69 of the ‘GayCoin’ instead of the Bitcoin he ordered.
  • An update to the original GayCoin appered in 2018 and traded on Cryptopia, a New Zealand exchange which suffered a $16m “security breach” in January 2019.
  • Razumilov, claims a currency known as GayCoin was delivered to an app on his smartphone earlier this year instead of the Bitcoin he had ordered.

The Presnensky District Court in Moscow registered the case of Razumilov and scheduled an interrogation for October 17th. Apple has not yet responded to Newsbeat’s request for comment.

Russia: becomes homosexual because of GayCoin and sues Apple


“I thought, in truth, how can I judge something without trying? I decided to try same-sex relationships,” the complainant wrote. Homosexuality was decriminalised in Russia in 1993, but anti-gay prejudice is still widespread.


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