Neither brain nor body can synthesize DHA by itself and it must be obtained from diet Studies show that DHA affects blood-brain barrier functions and neuronal membrane fluidity; it also regulates neurotransmission systems such as serotonergic, dopaminergic, norepinephrinergic, and acetyl cholinergic systems.
DHA has a significant effect on neuronal membrane dynamics and therefore on transporter, receptor, and neurotransmitter functions.
Preterm infants are denied the full intrauterine supply of DHA available to term infants [31]; therefore, preterm infants depend on a diet that supplies all the DHA needed for growth and development.
The DINO Trial DHA found that supplementation for infants <33 weeks gestation with tuna oil capsules reduced the incidence of Bronchoplumonary dysplasia in boys and in all infants with a birth weight <1250 g; it also reduced the incidence of reported hay fever in boys at either 12 or 18 months